I have a client who previously spent the bulk of his advertising dollars on print. After convincing him to invest his money in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), his website now gets roughly 20,000 targeted unique visitors a month, or double what it did. But what about the bottom line, or ROI on SEO?
Why Should I Invest in SEO?
Type the keyword “Phone” into Google and what do you find? AT&T. In 2009 AT&T spent $8 million on SEO advertising. They identified a keyword used by customers 55,000,000 times a month and monopolized on that one term! While achieving that position took over a year, they now receive new customers every day as a direct result.
I have a client that sells shoes online through his brick and mortar shop. Analytics track his online sales and in December alone he closed a staggering $500,000 from SEO. He is on the first results page of Google for the term “Shoe Store,” which is typed into Google 300,000 times a month.
SEO Tricks
Quality links are the secret to Google SEO.
You are interested in buying an Audi. You come to an informational page by a respected author and within its contents you read the words, “While a quick ride, the 2011 Audi Q5 ….” Your eye is drawn to the highlighted words “2011 Audi Q5;” you drag your mouse over the keywords where the “link” brings you to the Audi.com page advertising that exact model.
That link is counted as a vote for the Audi.com website, which has just gained significant SEO juice. Because the link reads “2011 Audi Q5,” Google interprets Audi.com to be relevant for that search term and should therefore show up in the organic listings.
Why would these well known brands spend so much on SEO? It works.
SEO Marketing
My clients and your competitors are already riding the SEO train. If you don’t believe me, visit Google and type in different terms from your industry. I am positive you will find your competitors popping up.
Google SEO takes time but builds a website that generates leads for life. SEO generates links, ranking and creates an overall asset to your company.
How can I emulate this practice within my budget?
1. Content Expansion - The more pages you have on your website the more keywords and terms you show up for.
2. Keyword Analysis – Identify realistic keywords that get high conversion traffic, in other words, quality over quantity, e.g. find a tactic your competitors have yet to identify.
3. Quality Links – These are the underlined words you click on in articles that lead you to another website. Most SEO companies just build a boatload of them, but you want quality not quantity.
4. Website analysis – While the pictures on your website might be great, Google can’t read images. Utilizing the keywords you have chosen, apply as much relevant content to your home page.
SEO Costs and Benefits
What does SEO cost? That really depends on the keywords identified; pricing can range from $2,000 a year to $2,000 per month, and results can be seen in as little as 2 weeks. There are so many untapped keywords that your competition has yet to identify. There are literally 1,000s of visitors searching for your services. You just need to take the first step to Google SEO.
SEO Summary:
* Write for How People Search: Write to be found when people are searching. That means using the words your target readership is using.
* Keywords: Adding the top keywords related to your website helps bring more traffic to your site. You should have a minimum of 3 to 5 keywords per page.
* Summary: Wherever possible, provide a simple summary or abstract at the top of your web pages.
* Smart Links – Remember, Google SEO prefers Quality over Quantity.
John Daly is the founder and president of Defuse Marketing, a global leader in Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing strategies. Defuse Marketing has helped clients reach their Internet strategy goals within realistic time frames and continues to gain up to date knowledge by consistent studying of the latest software, tips and SERP algorithms.